Anders Ørbæk, kunstnerisk ansvarlig i Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, og Signe Bisgaard, en af de to komponister på værket We, Robots, tog i går aftes imod JazzDanmark Prisen, som blev tildelt Aarhus Jazz Orchestra for We, Robots ved Danish Music Awards Jazz 2019.
(See English below)
Aarhus Jazz Orchestra vandt JazzDanmark Prisen ved Danish Music Awards Jazz d. 18. november 2019 for “We, Robots”. Prisen gives til en koncertarrangør/initiativtager for at skabe koncertoplevelser, hvor der er gjort noget ekstraordinært ud af arrangementets format.
We, Robots er skrevet af Signe Bisgaard og Morten Riis, og er verdens første værk for bigband og robot. Værkets solist - den marimbaspillende robot Shimon - var rejst hele vejen fra Georgia Tech for at spille sammen med orkestret.
Værket blev opført ved to koncerter i Musikhuset Aarhus d. 30. september 2019 og lå i forlængelse af et seminar om kunstig intelligens arrangeret af Aarhus Universitet. Inden koncerten var der desuden fernisering med værker af studerende fra Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, som ugen forinden havde arbejdet med kunstig intelligens i deres musikalske arbejde.
En særlig tak skal lyde til Richard, Ning, Gil og Lisa fra Georgia Tech og Thomas Bjørnsten fra Aarhus Universitet for jeres store engagement i projektet.
We, Robots blev lavet i samarbejde med Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, Aarhus Universitet, Georgia Tech og Hearts & Minds. Projektet var støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Aarhus Kommune, William Demant Fonden og DJBFA / Komponister og Sangskrivere.
Aarhus Jazz Orchestra wins the Jazz Denmark Award at DMA Jazz
On the 18th of November 2019, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra won the Jazz Denmark Award at the Danish Music Awards Jazz for “We, Robots”. The award is given to a concert organizer/promoter who has created an extraordinary concert experience.
A special thank you to Dr. Gil Weinberg, Richard Savery, Ning Yang, and Lisa Zharay, from Georgia Tech University for being incredible partners on this project
We, Robots is written by Signe Bisgaard and Morten Riis and is the world’s first piece for big band and robot. The soloist was the marimba-playing robot Shimon (, who traveled from Georgia Tech in Atlanta to play with the orchestra.
The piece was performed at two concerts in Musikhuset in Aarhus on the 30th of September 2019 and was a continuation of a seminar on artificial intelligence organized by the University of Aarhus. Before the concerts, there was also a presentation of pieces by students from the Royal Academy of Music, who had, the week before, worked with artificial intelligence in their compositional work.
“We, Robots” was a collaboration with the Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus University, Georgia Tech, Hearts & Minds, and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. The project was funded by the Danish Arts Foundation, the Municipality of Aarhus, the William Demant foundation, and DJBFA/Composers and Songwriters.